
Jewel Case Design for Album "A"
Read aloud to your children, even before they are born, and even after they learn to read themselves.  Your child's future is totally dependent on his/her ability to comprehend the written word.  Let this be a joyful experience!  Read to them stories which are exciting to them as well as interesting to you.  Stories containing a hint of  the intriguing mysteries of spirituality are fascinating to the minds of any age.
All of our books are skillfully designed to teach the subtle lessons which help mold the character of the developing personality.  As your children grow older these special stories will be relegated to their sub-conscious but the essence of these teachings will guide their behavior for the remainder of their lifetime.  They will always remember that it was you who nourished their evolution into maturity.  This is the purpose of storytelling as practiced by the American Indian for millenniums.  The memory of the spoken word has been successfully destroyed.  Now we share with you the written word which is capable of challenging time itself.
Many books, in full color, can be burned on a single compact disk.  This eliminates storage problems while it allows your children to gently familiarize themselves with the age of computers.  Parents and professional teachers applaud our program for its' overall value as well as the detailed points of light embedded in every page.
Classroom teachers will discover our books unite their class in an undefined feeling of innate awareness.  Closed doors of the mind are subtly opened.  Your teach/learn process will become more efficient on all subjects.  The learn/teach on the peer level will display  a substance of strength grater than you would ever dare to expect.  Well written books containing a thread of spiritual teaching, are designed and intended to produce and awaken this innate awareness.
Get your children off to a good start in life.  Read to them!  Stories that were once told to to the youth by their grandparents, can now be yours in the form of the written word.  Books, even good books, can be found almost anywhere.  Books for children by Indian Authors are rare.  These books by our authors can be found nowhere else.  Order the complete album and receive yourfor all the children in your family or in your class.  If you are associated with children from gestation up to the ages of ten to twelve, then you need to seriously consider the value and the positive potential of all the books in Category "A".
Your purchase brings smiles to
American Indian Children
& much needed supplies
to thier schools