Volume II
The Rays
This section deals with the Rays, their
respective and collective energies and the practical uses when properly
Chapter 1
The Rays are Light & Love***Reflecting
Light - Relaying Love***The Red Ray***The Orange Ray***The Yellow Ray***The
Green Ray***The Blue Ray***The Indigo Ray***The Violet Ray
Chapter 2
Energy Transfers***MAN***Balance***The Four
Basic Bodies***The Seven Bodies of the Aura
Chapter 3
The Aura***The Energy Field***Colors***Observing
the Aura***Attuning Self to Other Self***Observing the Energy Field***The
Green***The Blue***The Indigo***The Violet***Discovering the Density***The
Lower Body***The Orange***The Red***The Yellow***The Violet Divided***Drugs/Chemicals***Summation
Chapter 4
Using the Rays***Using the Green Ray***Using
the Yellow Ray***Using the Orange Ray***Using the Red Ray***Using the Blue
Ray***Using the Indigo Ray***Using the Violet Ray***Summery***The Use of
Colors***The Shamballa Experience***The Wesak Festival 1990***Conclusion***Prayer
of Protection
Healing is the Ultimate Service to Others.
The Will, Polarity, and purity of the Healer are the prime factors
Chapter 5
Healing by the Adept***The Qualified Healer***Learning
the Lesson***Balancing Love & Wiadom***The At-One-Ness with Self***The
Responsibility of Power
Chapter 6
The Causes of Illness***Crime& Punishment
vs Self Punishment***Death being Satisfied***Our Final Opportunity***Organ
Transplants***Faith Healing***Illness vs Soul Levels
Chapter 7
Healing the Experience***Birth Defects***Guidance
via Illness***Mentally preparing the Patient
Chapter 8
Your Procedure***Your Position***Discovering
the Blocked Chakra***Clear the Yellow Chakra First***Concluding the Healing***Using
the Crystal to Heal***The King's Chamber Effect***The Healing of Self***Using
Your Crystal to Heal Self***Healing at a Distance***Summery***Conclusion
This section deals with the pyramid and
the related edifices of power. The values of various forms of energy
are revealed. Their ancient origins are brought top light
Chapter 9
The Great Pyramid***The Great Generators***The
& Fourth Root Races***Constructing the Great Pyramid***The Queen's
Chamber***The King's Chamber***Early Civilizations Aided***Ancient MAN***Finishing
the Great Pyramid by Humans***Nine is the Key
Chapter 10
The Pyramid According to Ra***The Purpose***Stabilizing
the Planet via the Ley Lines***Pyramid for Initiation***The Capstones***The
Motivating Energy - Love***Indiviuality vs Mass Consciousness***The Original
Builders***The Initiation Cahmbers***The Healing Cahmbers***The Resonating
Chamber***The Apothem Line***The Size***The Nagative Source***Easter Island***Central
America***South America***North America***Power Stimulates Growth***The
Calling - The Service***The Pyramids of the West***Ra's Pyramid***Healing***The
Purpose of the Shape***Preparing for Healing via the Queen's Chamber***Pyramid
Healing***Other Shapes***New Alignment***Earth & Cosmic Energies
Chapter 11
The Queen's Chamber***Queen's Chamber Effect
in the Mayan Pyramid***Resonating Chamber***Other Methods***How the Pyramid
Functions***The Three Energies of the Pyramid***The First Spiraling Energy***The
Healer's Etheric Pyramid***The Second Spiraling Energy***The Energy that
Powers Psychic Phenomena***The Third Energy***The Brain - The Organ***Age
Reversal***Other Energies***The Bermuda Triangle***The Changing Times
Chapter 12
Intrigue-Mystery***Statistics***A Guide Post
Experiments***Constructing the Model***Types of Experiments***Other Experiences
The Milky Way Galaxy
This section deal with our examination
of Space and some of the entities that dwell therein. The focus is
upon our Galaxy and our future roles as MAN, who calls the vastness of
Space - "Home."
Chapter 13
A guided Tour to the Center of our Galaxy***Octan,
Pavo, and Tucane***The Nebula Triffid***The Galactic Logos***The Exit***The
Fabric of Space***The Trantor System***Tranto***Ancient Empire***The Return***Fourth
Density MAN***Invited Guests***The Schedule***Atomic Radiation***Cosmic
Chapter 14
Other Planets***Procyn***Aldebaron***Betelgeuse***Terminus
- Hatann***Sirius***The Pleiades***The Orion Group***Alph Centuri***Tiamat
- Whimset***Summery
Chapter 15
Types of Spacecraft***The Cresent Shaped Craft***The
Monitoring Craft***The Triangular Shaped Craft***The Green Balls***The
Spherical Craft***The Cylindrical Shaped Craft***The Pentegram Shaped Craft***The
Square Shaped Craft***The Chronomonitors***The Guardian***Notes***How Spacecraft
are Made***How a Spacecraft Function***The Power Source*** The Piazo-Electric
Power Plant***Summery
Chapter 16
The Fabric of Space***Layer of Fabric***Threads***Tacking
Through Space***Fuel for the Tunnels***Atom Energy***The "Fuzz"***Intra-Planetary
Travel***Warping Time***Industrial Greed Hampers Evolution***Summery***Conclusion
The Tensor Concepts
This section deals wih the opening of those
vast unkown portions of the brain, as Extra Sensory Perception and Psychokenisis
are explained.
Chapter 17
To think or Not to Think***The Original Humans***Logic
& Reason***The Definition***The Light of the Kundalini***The Tensor
Oriented Person***Mind vs Brain***The Cortex***The Thalamus***The Nervous
Impact***Safeguards***Ancient Practitioners***Phychic vs Metaphysic***Our
Defective Sun***Masters of the Past - Machines of the Future***The
Minority Teachers
Chapter 18
Time***Serial Universal-Time***Time Warps***Love
& Light***Ancient Preservation of the Tensor Concepts***Logic &
Chapter 19
The Brain***The Tensor Equasions***The First
Tensor Concept***The Second Tensor Concept***The Third Tensor Concept***The
Fourth Tensor Concept***The fifth Tensor Concept***The Sixth Tensor Concept***The
Exercises***Roll the Pea***The Thalamatic Cortical Pause***The Eye Exercise
Chapter 20
Telepathy***The Process***The Telepath***Many
Transmitters***Mental Privacy***Telepathy stimulates your Transition***The
Bridging***ESP & PK***Calling Symbols***Training Your Brain***The Shield
of Light***Teleportation***The Key***Time Travel***Revisit the Past***Types
of Teleportation***Levitation***The Higher Self***Moving Objects***Psychokinesis-How
to Levitate***The Swirling Mass of Green Light***Use the Indigo Chakra
Levitating Yourself***How it Works***Summery***Conclusion
"Conversations With the Chief"
Chapter 21
Examining the ramifications of commerce as
effects the evolutionary process of or Aryan Root Race. The negative
impact of the empowered money has enhanced the greed in the Third Density
Humans to the point where slavery to commerce becomes more deisrable than
spiritual growth.
Chapter 22
The Negative influence that many religions
have over the peoples of the World are examined from a bias rarely taken
by one of the human form. the startling effect that Christianity
has had upon the United States, and the resulting impact the United States
has perpetuated upon the World, provides thoughts uncommon to the western
Chapter 23
Governments, though prospering, are obsolete.
The heyday of big government is rapidly coming to an end. The willing
slaves are no longer willing. Like all organizations, governments are Negative.
Their bloated obesity renders them unable to function for the benefit of
the masses. Their demise is eminent.
Chapter 24
The Social Product
The results of the effects of commerce, religion,
and government upon the people have produced the Mass Consciousness, the
current and final phase of this Aryan Root Race. We are the product
of our own making. We can choose our own future. The power
lies in the Present.