Whether you are the novice beginner or the seasoned advanced student, these four volumes are speaking personally to you. Read them now and be filled to the brim with knowledge and understanding. Read them again in a few months and amaze yourself with all the new lessons you found this time around. Read them a year or two later and all four volumes of"The Teachings" will seem to have been revised with incredible clarity just for your personal benefit!
These are not magical books though they will often seem like that to you. They are ingeniously written to answer your needs at the moment regardless of your status. Like the Bible, no two people will understand them the same way. This is as it should be. "The Teachings" will skillfully address any question, any issue, you have at the moment.
As you evolve and develop the need for greater understanding, this four volume set will always satisfy your changing needs. The mechanics of Metaphysics/Spirituality are taught in such an easy, comfortable manner you will always be able to grasp the workings whatever your stage of development may be.
Theory and the mechanics of how Creation functions according to Universal Law, allows you to employ useful and practical workings of all this valuable information. Knowledge that cannot be put to use is worthless!
Take charge of your destiny. Understand why things are what they are and learn how to best deal with them to your best advantage. Ignorance is not bliss! Help others to be better than they ever had any right to expect. Heal yourself of the ignorance that has held you back for all this time. It is never too soon nor is it ever too late to learn to practice your own divine spirituality.
Volumes I through IV of "The Teachings" are indeed unique. Easy to understand, easy to use. Clarity is the key to their renown success. When you have these four books you do not need anything else. It is all here! This is the final gift the Indian has to give to the world.
Walk in the Light of knowledge that you may someday walk the Universe with an unfettered tread!