History reveals it hasn't worked. Common sense tells us it can never be revised, implemented or improved to the point where it ever will work. The American Captolistic System is a vehicle designed to ruin a great people, while systematically rendering our nation, the hemisphere, the world, uninhabitable.
Many Americans, as well as citizens of the world, are ready and anxious to replace this travesty upon the human experience with a system inclined to promote the evolution of the human race - with peace, security, dignity and an inherited pride to pass on to our children. No revolution in our planet's history had such a plan before discontent forced bellicose action. Revolution does indeed produce change. The great change eventually results in another form of the same thing, which inspired the revolution in the first place. The news is the same - it is now happening to different people - there is no real difference.
Why is this always the case? Because the System always remains intact. Elections are a form of revolution. Through their meaningless votes, the people support the Republicans or the Democrats. Each party vehemently supporting their distortion of their interpretation of The System. Politicians come and politicians go, while the embattled System enjoys immortality. Why? Because there has never before been a new and different System presented to the people as a free choice option!
The "isms" have all been tried. None have worked. Hindsight reveals they were all another version of the same thing. The nucleus which supports all "isms" has the undying support of all peoples. Why? What is that common denominator that is intricately threaded through the heart of any "new version" of Government currently on the market?
It is the Savior System! People everywhere want to be taken care of. People will do anything to avoid assuming responsibility for themselves. Religions have taught this. Governments have capitalized upon it. Commerce enslaves us all by deploying it. The people's beliefs in the Savior System are so strong, they are willing to do anything to preserve it. Myth though it is, no sacrifice is too great to keep this fantasy alive. There exists that undying hope/belief that somebody, in the guise of a Savior, will eventually come along and save us from the fate of our future. Meanwhile, we continue down the well trod path of degeneration in a world rapidly becoming unsupportive of life.
Are the people strong enough to survive the reversal of this spiral? Centuries of dedicated futility has now placed us on the threshold of urgent, dramatic change. The solution is not a new kind of money, issued by a government or by a banking institution. Money, in all its forms, must be abandoned, completely!
This void must be filled immediately. Chaos is not the goal. A new System, carrying a new concept, shall be waiting in the wings. Enter now the "The Credit System" - for want of a better name. In the spotlight at center stage, The Credit System announces its own birth into the Space Age Revolution.
What are these "Credits?" Are they used like money as units of exchange? No, they are not like money. Yes, they are units of exchange. Credits are unique. They do not physically exist. Therefore they do not look like anything at all.
Credits are issued - not earned. So who issues them? A computer, every month. Who operates the computer? The people via referendum. The Internet can handle this chore quite nicely.
Unlike money, Credits are personalized - your monthly allotment of Credits has your name on them. They cannot be lost, strayed or stolen. Nor can they be accumulated. April Credits cannot be spent in May. Surplus Credits cannot be transferred to another person or institution.
Unlike money, Credits are designated for specific purposes. The computer will not allow the rent Credits to be spent on anything but your rent. Food Credits will only buy food. Beer Credits will only buy beer. Ample monthly Credits for all needs will be automatically issued monthly. By referendum vote, the people shall select an appropriate figure for the computers to use. This can be amended if need be.
One may barter or steal another's monthly purchases, but they must be used, for they cannot be resold - no Credits are designated for such purposes. No Credits are designated for drugs. Drug related crimes cease immediately. Ninety nine percent of all forms of money related crimes instantly cease. Taxes, medical bills, utility bills, all expenses, are automatically paid each month via the computer. Never again will there be a tax form or a bill to deal with!
Who determines who gets how many Credits? Everyone gets exactly the same allotment. The day old baby pays his/her own bills at the hospital, just as the 106 year old pays his/her own bills at the nursing home.
This is Economic Equality - for everyone. This is the revolution. This is the new concept. This is different. The world has never before known anything like this.
Additional Credits, up to 25% of the monthly allotment, can be earned by working. These earned Credits may be applied to any category of the worker's choice. The nature of the job would determine the number of Credits earned. Education would enhance the earning capacity. Certain endeavors could earn more than the 25% top. These additional Credits would be forfeited in order to preserve the Economic Equality Standard for all.
No one works for a living. This concept is dead. One works because one wants to work and enjoys doing that kind of a job. Workaholics and shiftless bums we have with us always. No longer would governments need to create jobs so certain peoples can make a living. Our shiftless ones would no longer "be in the way" of conscientious, productive dedicated workers. And the drones would not be on relief, at the expense of the worker bees.
The need for all forms of government would be downsized, minimized and made all but extinct. People would vote on all issues via their home computer and the people could correct any wrong virtually overnight if they so chose. Bureaucrats would disappear instantly. Lawyers would be nonexistent. Law enforcement would be out by 90%. Courts are obsolete - issues are decided by what the people feel is right considering the circumstances, via their computer from the home. Never again will we be a Nation of laws - produced by lawyers/politicians for the benefit of their own kind.
After the shock of dramatic change has been accepted, the future for ourselves and for posterity is fantastically unlimited. People would retreat from the cities back to the country and nature. The good old days of a simple life with security would be restored. One would have time to do the things he/she always wanted to do. Freedom from fear breeds an atmosphere which would produce freedom from want. Driving a horse and buggy, with a laptop computer by your side, could be the contrast of our future.
This is our option: The Credit System - Economic Equality, which the American People must/need be aware of, before they elect to plunge deeper into the abyss of bloated government and commerce by extermination. It is time for the people to rise up and declare responsibility for themselves. We must become our own Savior!
Each Nation shall embrace their version of the "Credit System" providing each citizen the joy and security of experiencing Economic Equality. People choosing to live in a geographic section shall have control over their own affairs, while not being lawfully influenced by those who live thousands of miles away.
Forms of rail transportation on elevated tracks shall dominate the developing Nations. Needless industry shall close their polluting doors with no negative impact upon the people since no one works for a profit any more. National resources shall gradually restore themselves, even as the buffalo returns.
At the birth of their second child, the mother shall be rendered sterile. The father, whoever he may be, shall be attended to likewise. Through the guidance of their parents, children pay their own way with equal allotment of Credits.
Competition in all physical forms shall be greatly reduced or even abolished. Individual mental competition shall be encouraged. Mental aptitude/maturity will be the only mode of discrimination. Economic Equality surrenders all other conveyances of class discrimination as being neutral.
The state of evolution of the space age human race demands the plan be accepted. The only alternative is to continue to be herded down our current dismal path of frustration into stagnation and eventual oblivion, while our Souls weep.
Publisher's note: A futuristic historical prophecy of life in North America immediately after the "Revolution" and for half a century thereafter, can be found in the enlightening and entertaining novel "SURVIVING THE FUTURE" By Tekonsha. A glimpse of what life could be like as The Plan is painfully installed in the hearts and minds of the American people. A must on your reading list.
2. Current owners/buyers of property shall not forfeit
their home.
A. Said properties may be inherited by the surviving spouse of that
same generation.
B. Land\properties may not be inherited by children of succeeding
3. Landlords currently engaged in renting/leasing properties
may continue to do so at the rate per person to be decided.
A. 50% of monthly revenue must be spent on maintenance.
a. Failure to perform within 3 months will result in forfeiture
of said properties.
B. Landlord may receive up to 10% of total personal allotment for
his reward for work.
a. Balance percent is awarded to the state for the express purpose
of community maintenance.
4. Renter may construct new or renovate old structures
to enhance his productivity and service.
A. Approval by community counsel.
B. Project funded by 40% community fund.
C. The people of the community own all properties.
a. By referendum or by representation decisions are made.
1.) Topping trees to meet the specifications shall result in punishment at the discretion of the local populace.
2. Elevated stations shall be constructed to accommodate the trains, passengers and cargo.
A. Elevators shall service the loading platform.
3. Small trucks and small buses may be employed for local delivery.
A. Maintenence of hard surface roads outside the business destined of a community is prohibited.
B. The use of the automobile is discouraged. All internal combustion engines is discouraged.
4. The use of horses and wagons to transport people and cargo within a community is to be encouraged.
A. Private ownership of horses and carriages is encouraged.
5. Bicycles are extremely encouraged.
6. Inter urban roads (existing) are reserved for farm use only.
A. Bicycles, horses and buggies welcome.
A. Self supporting rural life-style shall be the ambition of our youth.
A. Upon birth of the second child, the male and/or the female is
appropriately neutered.
a. Births associated with previous partners are counted.
b. Multiple births demand instant neutering of both parents.
1.) Failure of new born to survive a live birth does not make
the exception.
B. Using their allotment of credits, new born babies shall pay all
of their birthing expenses, hospital, medical, etc. via their own thumbprint.
a. Parent(s) shall never be liable for any expense contracted
by their offspring.
2. All primary and secondary school houses and buildings
shall be abandoned to more productive uses - such as insane asylums.
A. The public financed support is permanently finished.
3. Colleges and Universities shall be downsized to
the area of subjects of their renowned specialty.
A. Other by-product educational activities shall be left to video
B. Competitive sports shall gradually be abandoned.
a. Community teams within a community shall be tolerated.
2. The employer shall be entitled to collect a profit
adequately enough to allow his business to grow and prosper.
A. Excess profit shall be held in reserve for future needs.
B. The employees personal monthly credit income may be increased
by 15% - 25% depending upon the priority of the product being created.
3. The employee/worker shall be compensated up to 25%
of the universal monthly allotment of Credits depending upon his/her skill
and the priority nature of the service rendered.
A. Earned credits may be directed to any category of the worker's
a. The rewards for qualifying oneself and working are indeed
4. Self employment, family business and community endeavors
are encouraged.
A. Large industrial giants shall be prohibited.
5. Maintenence/repair work shall be encouraged. New construction on a personal level shall be prohibited.
2. Qualified Doctors would receive up to 25% of regular
monthly credit allotment in wages for service rendered.
A. Lesser qualified medical personal would be paid accordingly.
A. Money oriented crimes could not be recommitted on the Credit System.
B. Antisocial behavioral people would no longer be protected by the penal system and would be forced to face the citizenry they offended.
"Governments are instituted
among Men, deriving their Powers from the Consent of the Governed,
that Whenever any form of
Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the
People to alter or to abolish
it, and to institute a new Government ... it is their Right, it is their
to throw off such Government,
and to provide new Guards for their future."
George Washington
"This country, with its institutions,
belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow
weary of the existing government,
they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or
exercise their revolutionary
right to overthrow it."
Abraham Lincoln
Again, we invite your attention to the novel "Surviving the Future" by Tekonsha. This visonary prophet has painted a very graphic picture of what life could be like as the evolutionary changes occur during the next half century.
To the multitudes of you who have sent your letters of appreciation to Tekonsha for his book describing the joys and sorrows in developing THE PLAN in today's culture, he thanks you!