Desert Seed

ISBN 1-880440-39-3 Written by Chief Little Summer and Illustrated by Warm Night Rain 265 pages.
Aliens from outer space are living among us! They have been here so long that regular earthlings think that they have always been here. He may be your neighbor or he may even be you! The aliens themselves have forgotten their origin and they call earth their home. They do stand apart however and they are a people unto themselves. Separated from the mainstream by choice or tradition, they have carved a niche for themselves in a culture they molded but would not accept them. Historical origins, long ago forgotten, have been discovered by, of all people, Native Americans! This unlikely source has brought forth Light where the custodians of Darkness kept the people ignorant. The Native American, not under the influence of European history and traditions, was able to see the Light through the forest. In his search for his own beginnings he happened across this unusual turn of events as he was browsing the Akashic Records. Who were these people? Why are they here? Why did they stay here and not leave? Where are they now? Memory fades with time and we have forgotten what to ask. The answers will astonish you! “DESERT SEED” is an update on the four volume series of “THE TEACHINGS FOR THE FOURTH DENSITY AQUARIAN”. Times have changed and much has happened since the final volume was written a decade or so ago. There are two sides to every coin and many more coins have been added the past three years. You need to be brought up to date during our rapidly changing times. The invasion of our Counterparts and all of the other Probable Worlds of Reality merging systematically with our world was but a remote contingency plan back in the twentieth century. When things change, development takes on a different complexion. This appears to be the plan that will usher us down the chosen path to meet our destiny. Details are made clear in the brilliance of the Light of these our final days. The fog has lifted. We can now bask in the Light of Knowledge. “DESERT SEED” is history derived from the living Akashic Records that has only recently been made available to us since we became host to the merging worlds. Events, large and small, affect the knowledge that we are permitted to, and are capable of, receiving. We share with you the revelations as they are forthcoming. This book answers the questions that you did not know how to ask. It gives you a new perspective on your world, one that you might never have thought about.