
ISBN 1-880440-16-4 Written by Robin Blue Sky and Illustrated by Warm Night Rain 75 pages.
We have all experienced the agony of parting with a beloved pet through the transition known as death. So, what happens to our little friend when there is no longer warmth beneath the soft fur? Was their brief existence simply a one time affair, to be forgotten and replaced by another who happens to be handy? Not so, says our author Robin Blue Sky. She tells us that plants and animals also reincarnate. The lives of our pets are much shorter than ours so they are able to come back to us several times during the course of our lifetime. This is comforting to know! The problem is, humans often fail to realize this. The pet we cherished as a child has stood by our side various times over the years and we didn’t even notice it! This magnificent book, “RECYCLED”, tells all about what happens when your pet dies, where they go, and why. You will also learn how to recognize your old friend even though he/she now wears a different form. “RECYCLED” is a fabulous book for consoling little children when they are faced with the loss of their little friend. This is one of those rare books that you devour! You can’t turn the pages fast enough! This story will give you the peace that you have never been able to find anywhere else. Children and adults love it! A must book for anybody who has, or has ever had, a pet.